Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Break

Amazing how things can change in one day! I received a call while I was in class from Jeff Allard who I had sent my resume to a week or so ago. Two years ago my old boss, Shawn, introduced me to his screenwriting friend, Edward, who I later Facebook friended. Shawn pointed out a few weeks back that Ed had posted on Facebook information about a film in which he was involved. I asked Ed for contact information so I could inquire more and seek a Production Assistant job and he was kind enough to give me Jeff's email.

Some time went by with no reply, and I then received an email from my school saying this film written by an Iowa native was seeking Production Assistants. It was the same film! But asked that I send my resume to someone else. So I did that, assuming I had sent my inquiry to the wrong person. Then today I get a call from Jeff asking if I was still interested. YES.

It creates a bit of a dilemma. I have to get to Tennessee by April 30th, so I'll miss my finals. That's a little over 10 days to finish 3 weeks worth of school work and attempt to do my finals early! Worth it. After all, I'll be working the job my degree is intended to help me get.

So this could mean big things. Big, relative to the nothing I've done thus far. The worst news is that I won't be able to finish 'Thunder Bay' this semester. I'll have to rework the screenplay and shoot it next year.

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